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Monday, January 11, 2010

Notes after the first week

I am trying to prepare about two recipes a week, and I am choosing recipes that use some of the same ingredients. Last week, I had recipes that used about half a bunch of cilantro each. I had ginger leftover from my first week, so I'm going to try to find a recipe this week that will use the rest of my ginger.

I'm also going to start taking pictures and adding them to the blog - assuming I can figure out how to do that.

I would love some feedback if anyone is actually reading these. I have deliberately not included the actual recipes because I would love it if people bought Deborah Madison's cookbook and I'm not sure if I will get in trouble for reproducing her recipes here. If you want more details, though, I'm happy to give them out to my friends. I am also hoping to include other recipes and quick thoughts on food and cooking as I go along.

Buon appetito.


  1. Yay Lois! I'm really enjoying reading this! I prefer your "falling apart" to "meltingly...."whatever. Anyhow, I really appreciate how you are putting the prices for the ingredients, it's really amazing how inexpensive homemade meals can be! You've inspired me to cook more :D Well, be more adventurous with my ingredients, anyhow.

  2. Yay! I'm so glad someone is reading these!
