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Monday, March 29, 2010

Worcestershire Sauce from Scratch

I've really been into making my own ingredients from scratch lately. I got inspired by the homemade mustard and the homemade butter, so I decided to try to make a vegetarian version of worcestershire sauce that leaves out the anchovies.

I found a recipe online that I decided to try. It turns out to be somewhere between A-1 steak sauce and worcestershire sauce. It is a wonderful marinade for tofu and tempeh. I'm sure I'll use it a lot for grilling this spring and summer.

I've used it for 2 different recipes now, both of my own devising. (This is a big step for me!) The first was vegetarian Rueben Sandwiches, which was super tasty. The second was marinated tofu cubes served warm over greens with a chipotle dressing. It was one of the best salads I've ever had.

Here's the link to the worcestershire sauce recipe, although if you're a friend of mine, come get some from me before you make some of your own. This made over a half gallon of sauce! It keeps really well and freezes well, too, but it will take me years to use it all. Good thing I really, really like it!

This was the first time I've ever worked with tamarinds, which are an Asian dried pod. Inside is this sticky fruit with several hard stones inside the sticky stuff. I bought a one pound box at my local Asian market for a little over $3. The recipe also calls for 10-12 medium apples, so I may try this again when the apples in my orchard are in season. It also uses a lot of vinegar, loads of spices, coffee (that was a surprise), and a bunch of salt. It called for corn syrup, but I used agave nectar instead. The recipe doesn't say how much apple cider vinegar to use. I used 4 cups and that worked out ok.

Special thanks to my friend Carla for supplying me with a quart of malt vinegar, which she made from scratch. I used almost all of it in this recipe.

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